Janet Wilcox Murakami said: August 27, 2010 11:30 am PST
We have crossed paths several times here in the County and at Orono. I am working as a reading specialist/coach for SAD#29 Houlton. I started 4 years ago as the 2nd/3rd grade coach for our Reading First grant. Now as we are in the 5th year of the grant I have also started working with our 4-6th grade teachers to ensure a smooth transition for our students. You have a lot of fans here at Houlton Southside school and we are wondering if and when you might be available to work with us on best literacy practices. We are especially focused on academic vocab and writing in response to reading for this year, as ways to improve comprehension.
We would love to have you work with us at some point this year, or next year, if you are booked.